My Publications


  • Breakthroughs!

    P. Ranganath Nayak and John M. Ketteringham, Breakthroughs!  Rawson Associates 1986 ISBN 0-89256-294-3. 2nd edition, 1987. 3rd edition,1994.

    This is my first book. In it John Ketteringham and I tell the stories of blockbuster innovations such as Post It notes, the microwave oven, and the VCR, and the people that produced them. Hard copies of Breakthroughs! can be found on the web. Or you can download a free electronic copy from this website.

  • Product Juggernauts

    Jean-Philippe Deschamps and P. Ranganath Nayak, Product Juggernauts, Harvard Business School Press 1995 ISBN 0-87585-341-7

    I wrote this with Jean-Philippe Deschamps. In this book, we describe how companies can enhance competitive strategy through new product innovation.

    Product Juggernauts, and more information about it, is available at

Selected peer-reviewed publications