These are materials which I have found useful over the years. Feel free to use them and improve them, and let me know what you think!
This is my first book. In it John Ketteringham and I tell the stories of blockbuster innovations such as Post It notes, the microwave oven, and the VCR, and the people that produced them. Hard copies of Breakthroughs! can be found on the web. Or you can download a free electronic copy from this website.
Random Process Model of Rough Surfaces
This paper was written while I was at Bolt, Beranek and Newman. It appeared in the July 1971 issue of The Jornal of Lubrication Techolgy, Transactions of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Random Process Model of Rough Surfaces in Plastic Contact
This article was written while I was at Bolt Beranek and Newman. It appeared in volume 26 of Wear in 1973.
Some Aspects of Surface Roughness Measurement
This article was written when I was at Bolt Beranek and Newman. It appeared in volume 26 of Wear in 1973.
Management and Leadership
What is the difference between Management and Leadership? Read the attached document for my take on this.
Principles of Creative Thinking
It is often difficult to go from complex problems to solutions and then to implementation, because this requires both creativity and discipline, which are like oil and water. Here, I summarize the technique developed for this purpose by Walt Disney, and taught by his one-time assistant, Mike Vance.
Words of Wisdom from Edward Tufte
I took a course, which I enjoyed greatly, on the visual presentaion of data. It was given by Edward Tufte, Professor emeritus at Yale. Here are some of the notes I took.
MIT Open Course Ware
MIT Open Course Ware (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.